Sunday, March 11, 2007

Digimon Savers Episode 44

"Break! Craniummon's Strongest Shield"

"Kudake! Kureniamumon no Saikyou no Tate" (砕け!クレニアムモンの最強の盾)

On their way to the Digital World's Mystic Tree where Yggdrassil resides, Masaru and Agumon are intercepted by Craniumon. He challenges Masaru to one last match, calling forth his true power in the form of Avalon which is his ultimate shield that cannot be broken. After a series of desperate attempts ShineGreymon cannot break through the shields' defenses, and both it and Masaru are overpowered by Craniumon. Just as Craniumon is about to deal the final blow, Tohma, Yoshino, and Ikuto, and their digimon, come to save them and join in the fight.